Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to send a copy of every email to a given email address in Postfix

SkyHi @ Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Recently, I wanted to send a copy of every email of particular person to a given email address using postfix. I was looking for solution in Postfix documents and i found simple way to do this using – Automatic BCC recipients.
To achieve this Postfix provides three mechanisms:

1. always_bcc = address
Deliver a copy of all mail to the specified address. If you want to deliver a copy of all emails to the specified email address then just you can add below config in and reload the postfix config.

2. sender_bcc_maps = type:table
Search the specified “type:table” lookup table with the envelope sender address for an automatic BCC address.

3. recipient_bcc_maps = type:table
Search the specified “type:table” lookup table with the envelope recipient address for an automatic BCC address.

1. create recipient_bcc mapping hash tables
# vi /etc/postfix/recipient_bcc

2. Add emails you want to apply this to:
#recipient_bcc mapping

3. Now you create the hash mapping database
# /usr/sbin/postmap /etc/postfix/recipient_bcc

4. Add this configuration in
# vi /etc/postfix/
recipient_bcc_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_bcc

5. Reload the postfix configuration
#/etc/init.d/postfix reload